Hope & Healing Cancer Services

Putting the patient first.

Dr. Srilata Gundala (Dr. G) has the passion to bring her patients first, treating them like family members. She has her heart set on creating an environment where everyone feels like a family member and they are her only patient.

In the absence of a marketing strategy, Social Vision devised a compelling content strategy infused with a deep love and appreciation for patients. By prioritizing patient stories, disseminating valuable information, and infusing every facet of marketing with a distinct sense of uniqueness, we crafted a remarkable approach that set Social Vision apart. Our heartfelt dedication to highlighting the experiences of patients and delivering meaningful content enabled us to forge authentic connections and make a lasting impact in the realm of marketing.

Elevating HHCS: From Low Rankings to Google Success

Facing the challenge of a low ranking and a website with high bounce rates, HHCS recognized the urgency to fortify its online presence. Through the implementation of a comprehensive content strategy, a meticulously crafted SEO plan, and the creation of an inviting website, we undertook a transformative journey.

We conducted an immersive clinic photoshoot, revitalized the content on each page, and redesigned the website for enhanced appeal. Additionally, we initiated a dynamic blog, strategically employed backlinks, and leveraged the power of public relations and social media. The results speak for themselves – HHCS now enjoys unprecedented visibility on Google, consistently ranking among the top results (often securing the coveted number 3 spot) depending on the search query.

Expanding Brand Horizons: Advertising Triumphs for Increased Reach and Leads

Driven by the desire to expand brand reach and generate more leads, Dr. G recognized the significance of establishing a strong online presence through strategic advertising.

By consistently refreshing creatives and implementing compelling call-to-actions, we have achieved remarkable success in our endeavors. The dynamic approach of Dr. G in staying ahead of the curve has proven instrumental in driving exceptional outcomes and propelling the brand to new heights.

Empowering Patients Through Blogging: Journey to Thought Leadership and Real-Life Insights

By harnessing the power of blogging, we have propelled Dr. G into a position of thought leadership, offering invaluable information to both current and prospective patients as well as caregivers.

Our unwavering commitment to providing timely and relevant blog topics, addressing the common inquiries of Dr. G's patients, has solidified her reputation as a trusted authority. Furthermore, we have placed a strong emphasis on sharing patient stories, illuminating their transformative journeys and showcasing the authentic experiences they have had with Dr. G and her clinic.

The Data

Time Spent on the Website Increased by 45.41%

By expanding the HHCS blog page, we significantly boosted website engagement, resulting in increased time spent on the site. The strategic utilization of cross-links proved instrumental in seamlessly redirecting patients to relevant content within the website, enhancing their browsing experience and facilitating seamless exploration of related topics.

Website Visitors Increased by 40.14%

Harnessing the power of social media platforms like Facebook and Google, alongside collaborations with local cancer resource content, we successfully amplified both the total number of website visitors and the frequency of returning users. Our strategic outreach initiatives enabled us to cultivate a vibrant online community, driving continuous engagement and fostering a sense of loyalty among our audience.

Increased New Patients Through Advertising

Leveraging the potential of digital advertising, we achieved outstanding results, securing 6 new long-term patients, conducting 3 successful consultations, and generating an abundance of inquiries regarding Hope & Healing Cancer Services offerings. Our targeted and compelling campaigns effectively captured the attention and interest of our desired audience, driving tangible and measurable outcomes for the clinic.

Carolyn has given my company a voice. She has been able to create content around my patients and knowledge showing that independent, outpatient clinics are the route to go. She has provided paid strategies that have helped increase my awareness within the Southwest Chicago Suburbs.
— Srilata G., Medical Oncologist & Hematologist

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